
The blue cafe - Композиция Криса Ри "The Because, this is where the one who knows Meets the one who does not care The cards of fate The older shows To the younger one, who dares to take The chance of no return

The blue cafe - Композиция Криса Ри "The Because, this is where the one who knows Meets the one who does not care The cards of fate The older shows To the younger one, who dares to take The chance of no return 1038
The blue cafe
Композиция Криса Ри "The blue cafe" 90-х годов

My world is miles of endless roads
That leaves a trail of broken dreams
Where have you been
I hear you say?
I will meet you at the Blue Cafe
Because, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one who does not care
The cards of fate
The older shows
To the younger one, who dares to take
The chance of no return
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