
My gypsy woman - Raven hair and when she looks at me and I hear her sigh where do you go my gypsy queen Then I hear her voice as she starts to sing with the haunting tune of a lovers ring Oh play that song my gypsy queen

My gypsy woman - Raven hair and when she looks at me and I hear her sigh where do you go my gypsy queen Then I hear her voice as she starts to sing with the haunting tune of a lovers ring Oh play that song my gypsy queen 1074
My gypsy woman

Raven hair and auburn eyes
have you ever seen my gypsy queen
She's an angel in disguise
The sweetest girl I've ever seen
She's got her own kind of magic
she's got her own special way

As the cold wind blows in the dead of night
when she looks at me and I hear her sigh
where do you go my gypsy queen
Then I hear her voice as she starts to sing
with the haunting tune of a lovers ring
Oh play that song my gypsy queen
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Picca - Romans 1376