
My Blood - Always someone pull those you low and crushing your faith You gotta believe me They don't see love They're living in hate And you just don't know that they just be playing You're taking the bait

My Blood - Always someone pull those you low and crushing your faith You gotta believe me They don't see love They're living in hate And you just don't know that they just be playing You're taking the bait 1432
My Blood
Always someone pull those strings
Chuck you in and watch you swayin'
Waiting for that big cha-ching
See how much your life can bring
You're taking the fall now
You're taking the blame
It's taking you nowhere
Getting you low and crushing your faith
You gotta believe me
They don't see love
They're living in hate
And you just don't know that they just be playing
You're taking the bait
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Maahya - Mutter 1167