
I've tried - how long i the games we gotta play makes me wonder if it's worth it to carry on 'cause it's a game we gotta lose, though it's a life we gotta choose and the price is our own life until it's done

I've tried - how long i the games we gotta play makes me wonder if it's worth it to carry on 'cause it's a game we gotta lose, though it's a life we gotta choose and the price is our own life until it's done 884
I've tried

how long i have wanted
this dream to come true
and as it approaches
i can't believe i'm through
i've tried, oh, how i've tried
for a life, yes a life i thought i knew
oh it's the price we gotta pay
and all the games we gotta play
makes me wonder if it's worth it to carry on
'cause it's a game we gotta lose,
though it's a life we gotta choose
and the price is our own life until it's done
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