
Here (Remix) - And I can't I'd rather be Somewhere with my people We can kick it and just listen to Some music with a message And we'll discuss our big dreams How we plan to take over the planet So pardon my manners I hope you'll understand that I'll be here

Here (Remix) - And I can't I'd rather be Somewhere with my people We can kick it and just listen to Some music with a message And we'll discuss our big dreams How we plan to take over the planet So pardon my manners I hope you'll understand that I'll be here 771
Here (Remix)

And I can't wait 'til we can break up out of here

Excuse me if I seem a little unimpressed with this
An anti-social pessimist, but usually I don't mess with this
And I know you mean only the best
And your intentions aren't to bother me
But honestly I'd rather be
Somewhere with my people
We can kick it and just listen to
Some music with a message
And we'll discuss our big dreams
How we plan to take over the planet
So pardon my manners
I hope you'll understand that I'll be here
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