
Going To The Run (OST Физрук) - Dancin' in the got a fist in the air Going to the run run angel going to the run run angel and heaven and hell came together that night only for you this time going to the run forever angel

Going To The Run (OST Физрук) - Dancin' in the got a fist in the air Going to the run run angel going to the run run angel and heaven and hell came together that night only for you this time going to the run forever angel 1070
Going To The Run (OST Физрук)

Dancin' in the livingroom
with the ladies so nice
like a child with a wisdom tooth
he's just a friend of mine
Ed's got the rings and the colours
Ed's got the wind in his hair
he goes ridin' with the brothers
he's got a fist in the air

Going to the run run angel
going to the run run angel
and heaven and hell came together that night
only for you this time
going to the run forever angel
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2.19 MB
256 kb/s
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