
Bryan Ferry - Dance with life

Bryan Ferry - Dance with life 815
Bryan Ferry

I was thinking out loud
One life's such a short time for love
When a match made in heaven arrives
Eternity is never enough

It's all been so simple 'til now
There's no brilliance like beauty out there
No knowledge as wise as the heart
We all need reason to care

I need to dance with life
Sweep you away into the night
When there is no one else around
I will make every day count
We need to dance with life
Swim in the soul of your eyes
'til we melt into the night
We need to dance with life
And we leave a brilliant light behind

We could lay on the ground
We could look at that light in the sky
Show the moon and the million stars
The stars that we become when we die

I need to dance with life
Sweep you away into the night
When there is no one else around
I will make every day count
We need to dance with life
Swim in the soul of your eyes
'til we melt into the night
We need to dance with life
And we leave a brilliant light behind
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